Hello Friends! Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Today is the twenty-ninth day of NaNoWriMo . My current wordcount is 44,956. (Yes, I know, behind.) FadingFairytales This year, in my region , we are having a bit of a strange year. Most of us are behind. In fact, almost all of us are. We've been behind since the first or second week of the month, and just haven't been able to catch up. This is weird for us, because usually we have several people that get way past 50k by the second week. And we have several people that are the slow-but-steady type (I usually fall into that category). Inevitably, we have some WriMos that don't make it to 50k words, but this year, we might have several more. I have words of encouragement for those who are behind. Today is the second-to-last day to get words in, and I have seen people drop well over 10,000 words into their novel in two days to finish at 50k. But my words of encouragement are not just ...
This blog is created for a three-fold purpose: 1) To allow me to put all my research in one place in a way that makes sense, 2) To allow me to share any and all information about my writing with whomever takes the time to read it, 3) And finally, to let me talk about the writing of others. Happy Reading!