Merry (belated) Christmas! I hope that you were and are able to spend time with family and friends this week. As a Christian, I marvel at Christmas. The thought of an all-powerful God even deigning to acknowledge lower life-forms is staggering, much less the incredible mercy he showed when he, who owed us nothing, made a willing sacrifice. When I give gifts at Christmas, I am always pleased to give freely, but I could never come close to the grace that was shown to us when Jesus was born in this world. Lady-Tori Today I have a Christmas gift for you. Since Christmas is a celebration of birth and hope, I have a passage from this year's NaNo about a birth. It is rough and largely unedited, I just tweaked a few things. Hope you enjoy! The light was soft. It filtered through the narrow gap in the roof of the cave-like enclosure that housed their village, warm and gentle. The First Elder smiled and nodded at Delo's parents. Tog...
This blog is created for a three-fold purpose: 1) To allow me to put all my research in one place in a way that makes sense, 2) To allow me to share any and all information about my writing with whomever takes the time to read it, 3) And finally, to let me talk about the writing of others. Happy Reading!